Monday, October 27, 2008

Granite Gear Testimonial - Journey to Ultralight

"Just got my new pack and tent in over the weekend. The pack is a 2 lb. 2 oz. Granite Gear Vapor Ki. I'm saving right at 1 lb. over my Deuter Futura pack and gaining 1,000 cu. in. of space."


Friday, October 17, 2008

Granite Gear Nimbus Meridian Ki in November 08 Backpacker

A Girl's Best Friend - Backpacker female testers pick the Nimbus Meridian Ki as their favorite pack for fall hikes. "It's light, but it ain't dainty."

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Granite Gear on the cover of Fall 2008 issue of Wend

Granite Gear's Gregg and Deia hike the entire length of the Andes mountain range - part 1 of their story is in the current issue of Wend.